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How to improve vocational high school English classroom teaching
作者:黄美林 来源:安庆皖江职校 点击数: 更新时间:2012年11月29 【字体:
     There's a big difference between English teaching in senior vocational middle school and high schoolFrom base of the students, vocational high school students  are weak in General, lack of obvious interest in English, resulting in their English class was positive enough, make it difficult for teachers to conduct normal teaching activities, caused classroom dull, cycle of forming students wouldn't listen, teachers are reluctant to speak, directly affect the effectiveness of teaching. In order to improve classroom teaching,we can do as follows:
First. Through practice to cultivate students ' interest
In vocational high school English classes, due to the weak students, frequent errors, so the students are reluctant to speak, over time, the teachers lose the interest in teaching. Therefore, in the teaching process, teachers should develop students ' interest as a basis of teaching to improve the classroom teaching. Convenience of using multimedia courseware, inserting a large number of pictures, videos and other teaching resources to enhance students ' interest in learning, on the basis of students ' interest in learning.
Second. Fully prepared before class.
Prepared work is a way to improve classroom teaching effect , for vocational college students, its classroom efficiency does not high, to some degree is due to Word of causes, so, for vocabulary of learning, vocational college English teachers needs master a "degree", explained not too deep and not too shallow. in addition,in class prepared stage, teachers should texts explained, exercise and explain words and other aspects of planning, to verify what kind of knowledge to explain, especially in the difficulty of explanation, all the teachers need more to think about these questions.so that teachers can better help students learn language knowledge, improving their own courses of interest.
Third, fully use a variety of teaching methods and teaching techniques to improve students ' ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing.
    According to the students' base, appropriate to teach in English, enabling students to have a good language environment.when translate the passage,the teacher should avoid the way of English translated into Chinese as soon as practice, because it will encourage students to learn the lazy. In the classroom,we can play English word or other games to stimulate students ' enthusiasm and interest in speaking. When making examples,we can obtain raw material locally ,thus enhancing the students interactive.
In a word, vocational school students because of their weak English and other reasons, regardless of teachers by any means, is needed on the premise of cognitive and personality characteristic of students, to bring the dynamic English classroom.
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